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Libre expression et réflexion sur le e-Marketing, les médias sociaux, la démocratie numérique et la sociologie numérique.

mardi 22 novembre 2011

Au nom de la Rose militante… Une grande dame a baissé le rideau

« Après moi il n’y aura plus que des comptables » disait son défunt mari et ancien Président de la Ve République ; l’Histoire depuis, semble lui avoir donné raison. Après Danielle Mitterrand qu’en sera-t-il du militantisme de terrain, de conviction, tenace, simple comme seules savent l’être trop rarement les «Grandes» Dames de courage, indépendantes et engagées pour des valeurs de toute une vie ?
C’est ainsi qu’était Danielle Mitterrand, une femme d’honneur, d’action qui a "baissé le rideau" dans la nuit de lundi à mardi 22 novembre 2011.

Madame, vous avez donné une leçon de vie authentique  sans artifices médiatiques ; vous êtes entrée dans l’Histoire contemporaine du Peuple de gauche comme une référence majeure.

Vous avez creusé le sillon de l'insoumission avec un talent inoubliable.

Anne-Marie Champoussin

mercredi 16 novembre 2011


The euro crisis that has dominated discussions of the last G20 resulted in the wake of the resignation of successive Greek Prime Minister and the chief of the Italian Government Silvio Berlusconi. Will this be enough there to stem the crisis?

The events with the collapse of Greece and the threat to the solvency of Italy were known and analyzed there is more than a year by financial experts and international economists. Among the many tests on the sovereign crisis, we can refer to a meeting on the subject by Carnegie in December 2010.
The result for the lives of millions of Europeans in the euro area is an austerity in a climate of recession, with rising unemployment and the specter of pervasive poverty
Governments have therefore chosen to restore their triple AAA or keep at any cost including the sacrifice of a renewed growth through a policy of demand to meet what some call "the dictatorship of financial markets." And if the European public does not really believe the decisions taken by governments in the euro area, the idea of a referendum has yet to be abandoned by the former Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou under pressure from Franco-German duo Merkel and Sarkozy called "Merkozy."

In France, it vilifies increasingly assisted by the society are often those most affected by the crisis and survive thanks to the RSA, they will have to work 7 days now as a thank you; suspected employees on sick leave and increases the number of days of default, some municipalities like Marseille following in Nice, Montpellier and Chartres took orders anti begging to eliminate any risk of exposure to poverty wins a social leprosy with the contagion of the crisis we start hunting social fraud forgetting the 1% off who by speculation and insatiable greed led to financial disaster that has ravaged the countries of the euro area today.

But no matter, we must fight at all costs against the budget deficit and austerity is in order then to hell with the public! As shown in the unfortunate Greek referendum killed in his limbs. This does not prevent some European leaders rigorists to spend a night at 3500 Euros in Cannes at the last G20.
While an incidental question arises: what and who is democracy?



Austerity now decreed in the euro area is when the taking responsibility for specific policies face a crisis they failed to measure the full extent of the consequences in 2008?

For the record, Nicolas Sarkozy in 2008 with the crisis announced “the end of the omnipotence of the financial market”:
Sarkozy : la crise financière marque la fin d'un... par rue89

What about elected officials who, in their vast majority (except two) refuse to see their down payments of 10% while it inflicts the people a new austerity plan? Should it be noted that our elected officials in the National Assembly do not always display exemplary behavior: some sleeping, others reading the press, and others absent, or using Twitter or shouting in solidarity with their comrades with the same political label.

Therefore we can mock the movement of outrage and begin to chase with violence in La Defense (France) or in New York, and consider "the reasons a movement that does not in France "mainly because "the French are resigned" and that we approach the 2012 presidential elections.

 Moreover, the jokes made at designated Socialist candidate for president in 2012 currently delivered in a cartoon style humor: when Jean-Luc Mélenchon sees François Hollande as a "master of pedal" and Luc Chatel a "Babar", provided the debate does not rise very high and indignation for global change comes into resistance.

As explained Justine, 19, a student of art history who participates in the movement of "outrage" from May 29: "In France, we did not let us install it. In Spain, the movement is part of a Real Democracia Ya call for a demonstration, and a small group of people who decided to stay camping. The base of the movement is to reclaim public space." 
The real risk today is that of a "devalued democracy". The inclination to referendum Papandreou highlighted panic policies because the markets panicked. Because basically what the initiative of the Greek Prime Minister to submit the fate of his country in the opinion of his own people was it unbearable?
The panic of the Germans and their political leaders followed the financial markets as they are "prisoners of the prophecies of the markets before they will be cast."

The crisis of Europe expresses "the struggle for supremacy between economic power and political power. It now leaves the democratic processes in the assessment of rating agencies, analysts and banking groups. "
However, "the alleged rationality of financial mechanisms revealed old atavisms unconscious. The speeches of treating an entire nation of crooks and loafers seemed to have disappeared along with nationalism. Today we are witnessing a return to that mentality with "reasonable evidence" in support. The deformation of parliamentarism, subject to market forces, not only supports the decisions of people as "extraordinary legislator" and in the case of Greece, it requires citizens to express their will. Indeed, André Orléan, author of Empire of value, his latest book says about the euro crisis: "If the term democracy means anything, it is not clear how such mutations could be achieved without a broad national debate".
So to facilitate the approach to the subject by our leaders that they too now have "Google", they just type a search term such as "DEMOCRACY", "ZIVA yeah! LOL! Web laugh? ".

Capture of the screen 16/11/2011

Anne-Marie Champoussin

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